Sports Club Development
The Shire of Wickepin is proudly participating in the Regional Every Club funding from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. This funding has enabled the Upper Great Southern Building Sustainable Clubs Program.
The program is a partnership between the Shires of Narrogin, Wickepin, Cuballing, Wagin, Pingelly and Brookton to support and enhance the sustainability and capacity of sporting and recreation organisations. The program will be delivered by the Shire's in conjunction with Community Resource Centres and will assist local sport and recreation clubs in becoming sustainable organisations that continue to provide opportunities for locals of all ages to participate in a variety of sport and recreation.
Please feel free to contact the Shire's Community Development Officer with any questions as per contact details below.

Contact Details:
Community Development Officer
Phone: (08) 9888 1005
UGS Building Sustainable Clubs Newsletter
To receive updates on the UGS Building Sustainable Clubs program sign up here.
Every Club Hub
Every Club Hub allows your club to be registered for new potential members to access the contact details of your club online. You will also need to be registered with the Every Club Hub to access Kidsport.
The Every Club Hubs also provides clubs with access to resources, guides, training opportunities and information on how they can improve their club and support their volunteers and members.
To find out more or to register please visit the Every Club Hub website.
Healthy Club Checklist
The Healthy Club Checklist can assist in identifying and prioritising those areas which could use some attention!!
The Australian Sports Commission's (ASC) Club Health Check is an online self-assessment tool aimed at helping clubs to examine how they are operating. The checklist looks at a number of different factors that are crucial to success at club level and together these factors are used to build an overall picture of the way your club carries out its operations.
For more information please visit the DLGSC website.
To complete the online tool click here.
Working with Children Check
To ensure your Club is up to date with Working with Children Check requirements visit the website.
For more information please read this FAQ sheet.
Alternatively please do not hesitate to contact the Narrogin Community Development Officer at if you have any questions or issues relating the Working with Children Checks.
Grants and Funding opportunities
There are numerous grant and funding opportunities that open to clubs throughout the year. To be the first to know about grant and funding opportunities sign up to the UGS Building Sustainable Clubs newsletter here. If your club is looking for funding for a particular project please contact the Community Development Officer (CDO) at to discuss.
For current funding opportunities please visit these links:Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Sports Community